This was an example of circling-breaking-circle reasoning.
language mode: unnative english


What is unnative english?
It is this language mode in "english" by this non-native
word composer ~~ furthermore and farmost it is the language mode
wherein it is possible to use 'english' as a language of the world
~~ to experiment with it in a poetic sense ~~
and to also put in lateron sometimes the 'rheomode'
but also to show another path of words
other than metaphoric ~~ a metonymic path ~~ that can cause
new meanings and even new significances ~~ this unnative
language mode is so last but not least
a transitional worded language ~~ and when used fine only
it can cause freedom in the very sense which is
in a human ~~ and a sane free spirited brain good for evolution~~
here are only 2 ways as insanity and in sanity
*mind the space in the last word*
(or in native >>"mind the space between the last words")
~~ though in this project there cannot be
~~ responsibility for people who do not know
the difference between light and heavy~~
nor between light and dark ~~ this is
a poetic journey, naturally, through the sense of words.

©a living poet