living a poet

the wheel


<`h i n t': turn on your mind as maximum as possible ~~ >

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B ilingual W eb P age
(the documents presented are no translation of eachother)
(languages used here: "unnative english & double crossing dutch")

all underscores refer to a 'link'
and in all cases: protect and respect
the truthful copyrights of the author maker
of this entire website
and watch 'url' address just in case
thank you
use all this more as true self-active search tool
and make time though such requires at first
more individualization
but in there we can evolve the solution
for such individualization problem---
and make more quality-time in any
linked to the rest of society which is the whole world
we else would not know
anyway solving the egoist problem
as up to each of us
(is up to each of us)


[t h i s w e b p r o j e c t was not meant to be the most clear
though as an a c t i v e s e a r c h t o o l
as another hint to ... come out of the lazy academic armchair...]



This page shows on metonymia.
It requires a philosophical mind but a free brain.
Another structure, which might appear 'inconsistent'
when compared to the more "mainstream structure", is
used here. Though not all webpages to this site are yet put
in to show a specific seemingly chaotic structure,
'labyrinthine' and web-like as well, it is otherworded
language here in an 'unnative' way for standard English,
but 'native' inside a human. The totality
of the page now, doesn't start with and doesn't give yet any
'definition of metonymia as the figure of speech',

for it is of no use understanding such a definition metaphorically; also because that definition is known at least
since the ancient greek
times, who themselves
concentrated more on 'metaphora' too,
meaning a sort of 'transport', and this might
show why metonymia was given a more redundant place ever since then
where it comes to
consciously knowing, using, seeing metonymia.
It however also is the clue to the never
existence possibility of Utopia.
In deed I am a poet, traditionally excluded from the Ideal State as is said
to have sprung from Plato's mind,
at least: if I would lie. To word
in an easy way: the metaphor is, using a technoterm, the 'bug' of
the metonymia, and metonymia is the 'total cracking up'
of metaphor.
"That's a hell of a revolution!"
Though may it be heavenly... and in sense-able perspective.


metonymic wordlist
metonymic logic
Dutch Documents

email to the Author Maker if any questions : e-mail
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is allowed to be copied, reproduced in whatever way
without the written consent of the Author
The Author is totally irresponsible for any damage done
to the copyright violator. It is, however, allowed to study
this work and to refer to it when used: this is even very much enjoyed. In fact,
the purpose of this document is to explore
the poetic knowledge and to relief the lives
of living poets.
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